
Examples of Secret Rooms and Hidden Door in House Photos

Examples of Secret Rooms and Hidden Door in House. We are seen in many movies about Secret Rooms and Hidden Doors. Which will help household and members of the house. For natural calamity or saving from some sudden attacks. But in actually how these secret rooms and hidden doors exist in house design? Here, we are go to look Examples of Hidden passageways, secret rooms and hidden door.

Creative Home Engineering of Secret Rooms and Hidden Door

If you don’t have a Narnia-themed playroom hidden behind a wardrobe. A zombie-proof shelter accessible via your kitchen island or a gun safe under your 900-pound bulletproof couch, you just aren’t living.

Some of these hidden rooms, secret passageways and cleverly concealed storage spaces are probably a bit excessive. But who doesn’t wish their house contained at least one of these cool features?

Example of Hidden Garage, San Francisco:

secret rooms and hidden door,

Where private parking spaces are just as rare, precious as affordable housing. One house in Haight-Ashbury, took the situation into their own hands in a way. That wouldn’t upset the city council.

The base of the Haight-Ashbury house is indistinguishable from the rest of the historical Victorian facade. But at the push of a button, it reveals a hidden four-car garage.

Hidden Bookshelf Door of Secrete Playroom Behind Wardrobe:

Hidden Bookshelf Door of Secrete Playroom Behind Wardrobe 1

Hidden Bookshelf Door of Secrete Playroom Behind Wardrobe 2

Hidden Bookshelf Door of Secrete Playroom Behind Wardrobe 3

Parents of nine year old girl decide, to create a hidden room next to child bedroom. When build a new house for them.

This secret room and hidden door create, a bit of fun with it instead of just using it as storage or sealing it up.

The small Narnia-themed playroom complete with a mural that stretches up onto the ceiling.

Hidden Door of Storage with Fireplace:

Hidden Door of Storage with Fireplace

secret rooms and hidden door,

Anyone searching your home for valuables probably wouldn’t think to check the usually-decorative panels on a wooden fireplace surround. Making this a pretty safe place to keep items you’d like to conceal.

Secret Porthole Door Entry to Playroom:

Secret Porthole Door Entry to Play Room 1

Secret Porthole Door Entry to Play Room 2

A circular porthole that blends right into the faux wood floor of this modern home. Spits you out onto a slide that curls down into a colorful playroom.

Hidden Door for Storm Shelter Under a Kitchen Island

In some parts of the country, having a storm shelter is just as essential as having a bedroom.

A company called GFS Storm Shelters came up with a brilliant way to fit one into a home: By placing it under the kitchen, with the entrance hidden under an island.

Hidden Door for Storm Shelter Under a Kitchen Island

While its actual usage might be a bit imaginable. it’s fun to imagine it functioning as secret passageways during the zombie apocalypse, or just a fun secret. Hopefully there’s another exit that leads directly outdoors in case a real tornado takes the entire house down on top of it.

So, Friends this is all about Secret Rooms and Hidden Door in House. many of us fascinating to know, how this type of spaces works. But the real thing is that, how to create Secret Rooms and Hidden? For what purpose is actually important. Have threads on it – share with us!


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