
Skylights and Light Tubes CAD Files Download for your next project

In the spirit of supporting our readers’ design work, the company Velux has shared a series of .DWG files with us of their different roofing windows models. The files can be downloaded directly from this article and include great amounts of detail and information.

CAD Files Download,

Check the files below, separated into ‘Pitched Roofs’, ‘Flat Roofs’ and ‘Light Tube’.

Pitched Roofs


Pitched Roofs with Basic Installation


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Pitched Roofs with Multiple Installations


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Flat Roofs


Flat Roofs with CFP-CVP Extension

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Flat Roofs with CFP-CVP Standard

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Light Tube

These are designed to provide natural light in corridors, stairwells, bathrooms and closets, where installing a skylight isn’t possible.

Sun Tunnel or Residential Tunnel


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Sun Tunnel for Industrial


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An architect and founder member of Kadva Corporation. For giving your thoughts a wing, join with me. Be a mind of man & woman.

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