
Innovative Facade Design at Argul Weave, Bursa, Turkey.

Innovative Facade Design at Argul Weave, Bursa, Turkey located 100km south of Istanbul in the Asia Minor peninsula. The client is a textile distributor with his existing facility directly next to the East of the project site.  From its inception the Argul Weave was plan as a mixed-use development to attract international textile businesses to refocus and re-brand the district as a leading manufacturing textile hub. The Weave is 4,500 SQM distributed over three stories with retail on the ground floor, offices on levels two and three and capped off with a rooftop restaurant.

To satisfy the clients vision the creative facade design considered the rich tradition of Turkish textiles and their making through the interweaving of each thread by giant looms. This motif offered a means to integrate the disparate parts of the project into a singular and coherent whole while making a clear statement as to the importance of this district.

Innovative Facade Design at Argul Weave, Bursa, Turkey.

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Building facades design:

Bursa is home to Turkey’s historic and celebrated textile industry which is witnessing a rebirth to place itself as a regional and international leader. Located on the corner of Koklu Cd and Kirkpinar Cd the project site sits at the center of this manufacturing district and is the first in a planned series of interventions to redevelop the area.

Types of facades of a building:

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On the interior the Iroko wood of the façade projects in on the ground floor to form fully glazed entry vestibule vitrine creating a warm transition between exterior and interior. Levels two and three are animate by the alternating in and out and up and down of the façade banding that creates a unique and asymmetric view for every window opening. The vertical strands of the façade end at the rooftop forming revelations from between. Which is a serial framing of the surrounding district and the distant Uludag Mountains that anchor the city.

Facade design architecture:

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Building facade materials:

The material palette was kept to a minimum to emphasize the continuity and plasticity of the innovative façade design. Patara Marble quarried from Burdur, Turkey. And fabricated in Afyon forms the sinuous banding of the façade. Dark red marble from the Turkish Aegean region forms the buildings plinth. And reddish-brown Iroko wood from West Africa clads the inner areas of the weave. As one walks along the façade, its undulations create a changing rhythmical pattern. That are enhanced by the continuous play of light and shadow evolving throughout the day.

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How to design a facade architecture:

Often time’s constraints from the fabricators were fed back into the model. To further tune the geometries and innovative facade design as required. As in the innovative facade design the overall process can be conceived as an interwoven collaboration of actors located in distinct geographies. Research, design and execution fed each other in parallel progressions throughout the project. That led to the realization of the innovative facade design at Argul Weave.

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The designs execution relied on a unique and collaborative process. That included a diverse group of team members situated in different regions and continents. Digital technologies were tailored to adapt to local practices for fabrication and construction. Master digital models were used to fine tune and control all geometries and construction assemblies. And also used as a means to evaluate costs.

So, friends this is all about Innovative Facade Design at Argul Weave, Bursa, Turkey. Here we see that innovation and creativity have no bars…. You just put your creativity in many ways and became a master of the art.

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