How To Trace Mobile Number With Name And Location,.. Annoyed of fake and spam calls?? Here’s my new post on how to trace mobile number and block the spam calls from marketing agencies. Due to increasing cyber crime, it’s not a good idea to pick calls from unknown number. Because you don’t know who is on the other side of the call.
We can not get the exact detail of any number without authority but using some software and website present on the internet we can get a little bit of the info about the unknown number.
In this post I am writing few methods which i use to get the info of any unknown number which will help you for sure. is one of my top pics for finding their location. It’s one of the easiest locator apps on the market — so easy that you don’t even need to install an app on their phone to find their location. All you need is their phone number.
Just enter their phone number and will send them a text message. When they tap the link in the message, sends their precise location to you. You can use their pre-set messages if you’re out of ideas of what to say. Or you can create your own custom message.
Whether you only need to use once or want to locate several phone numbers, the service has you covered with multiple options that don’t break the bank.

The first app I use to find any mobile number location and name is Truecaller. One of the best app for this. Tuecaller has a large number of Database of phone number, location and their names.
When anyone registers on truecaller all of the contacts will automatically upload at their server. Along with app you can also use truecaller by accessing their website –
After opening the app/website you just have to login and enter the number you want to search in their database and truecaller shows you the info of that person (if available on their database).
Which will give you some info about who the person is and from where he/she is calling you.
Note – The information provided by truecaller is not 100% correct. It is just the data collected by your and other registered users on Truecaller. It may be wrong.
Another free and good resource to trace mobile number is Mobile Tracker India Website. Like Truecaller they did not provide name of the user but they tell us about the location and network provider of the number we are tracing.
Note – The Service provider name showed by them can be wrong due to the mobile number portability service. Many users transfer their network provider to other companies. So the site will show you the first service provider name the number was on.
Like Mobile Tracker India, Bharatiya Mobile Locator is also provide mobile numbers details like location and service provider.
To get the details of any number first of all go to thier website from Here. Enter the number you want to trace in the search field and Click on trace.
After clicking on Trace it will show you the details of the number you entered ( Details may be wrong).
We can also use Facebook to know the details of the user of any mobile number. Its not a best way to do that but it works some times.
If the number you are searching for is connected with someone’s profile on Facebook then it will show his/her account.
To check the number is connected with any account on Facebook at first open and login with your account.
Now type the number in the search bar of Facebook and search. If the number is connected with someone’s profile it will show you his/her account.
These are some methods you can use to trace mobile number with name and location of anyone. This details is not much but at least we can get some info about any number which is better then nothing.
From the above methods Truecaller is best according to me. You can also delete your account from Truecaller to hide your details from others.
Stay tuned with Kadva. I will update the post as soon as I found any new working method to know exact details and if you found any working method then do share with me.
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