Status for whatsapp in Hindi and English: We are collecting best status messages for whatsapp sharing online with your friends circle and contacts. There are different type of status messages circulating on whatsapp messenger on day to day events and occasions. We are try to create vast and Latest Best Whatsapp Status Collection Ever. And we are hope that you are really enjoying cool status for whatsapp, also, sharing with your whatsapp contacts.
Best Whatsapp Status in Hindi/English.
Here are the Best status for WhatsApp collection is mainly divided in two major parts.
- Best whatsapp status in Hindi.
इंतजार तो बस उस दिन का है☺
जिस दिन तुम्हारे नाम के पिछे हमारा नाम लगेगा
माना मुश्किल है ये सफ़र,?
पर तुझ तक पहुचना ज़िद है मेरी….!❤
- Best whatsapp status in English.
It’s not hard to find someone who tells you they love you, its hard to find someone who actually means it.
Promises mean everything but after they are broken, sorry means nothing.
So, this is main status category for whatsapp. But, we are actually short out different status messages as per different occasions and events in our day to day life. Like, whatsapp status love or whatsapp status quotes are help to express with tour gf or bf. But in family or office group sharing good whatsapp status and cool whatsapp status will help. At a time same way whatsapp funny status give a break in friends group.
So, Enjoying our ever best whatsapp status messages quotes collection. Also, stayed tune with us for more latest and updated status messages for your whatsapp sharing.
Best status for WhatsApp.
We have a latest best one line and short whatsapp status collection. Choose your desire whatsapp status in hindi or english and update it on your whatsapp status.
Best status for WhatsApp in Hindi:
Whatsapp best status in Hindi are give you a Indian feel on tour social app. We are also collecting best love status for whatsapp in hindi and best friend status for whats-app in Hindi. Sometime we are looking for whats app status for best friend in Hindi or best love status in Hindi for whatsapp. And I will say this collection defiantly help you.
Stause Messages in Hindi:
एक तरफा ही सही मगर प्यार तो प्यार है..!!?
उसे हो ना हो लेकिन मुझे बेशुमार है..!?
Pyar Ek Parchaai Ki Tarah Hai…
Jab Uski Aadat Pad Jati Hai Tab Tak Shaam Ho Jati Hai…
मोहब्बत परवाह और इज्जत बेपनाह….
यही वो दौलत है जो अक्सर हम उनसे माँगते हैं।।
तेरे ?गुलाबी
☺ होंठ
?और नये गुलाबी_नोट
? ने,
जिंदगी? में आग
? लगा रखी
?है इन
..है एक कर्ज़ जो हरदम सवार रहता है ।
…वो मम्मी पापा का प्यार है जो सब पर उधार रहता है ॥
“”कुछ तो रहम कर ए-संग दिल सनम,
इतना तङपना तो लकीरों मे भी न था..
मुश्किल नहीं है कुछ दुनिया में, तू जरा हिम्मत तो कर…
खवाब बदलेगें हकीकत में.. तू ज़रा कोशिश तो कर।?
सिलसिला ये चाहत का दोनो तरफ से था,
वो मेरी जान चाहती थी और मैं जान से ज्यादा उसे
यूँ तो शिकायते आप से सैंकड़ों हैं मगर..
आप एक मुस्कान ही काफी है मनाने के लिये।?
तेरे बाद किसी को प्यार से ना देखा हमने…..❤
हमें इश्क का शौक है, आवारगी का नही…
तेरी जगह आज भी कोई नहीं ले सकता ,
पता नहीं वजह तेरी खूबी है या मेरी कमी..!!
ना प्यार कम हुआ है ना ही प्यार का अहेसास,
बस उसके बिना जिन्दगी काटने की आदत हो गई है !!
एक ही शहर से इतने जनाज़े ग़ालिब,?
हसीनाओ पे कोई पाबंदी लगाओ !!❤
यूँ तो आदत नहीं मुझे मुड़ के देखने की…?
तुम्हें देखा तो लगा…?एक बार और देख लू…!!
Best status for whatsapp in English:
If you like me, tell Me.
if you miss me show it and if you love me, PROVE IT.
Someone still loves you more than anything else.
Worrying is a waste of time.
It does not change anything.
It messes with your mind and steals your happiness.
Nothing is perfect in love.
If you expect it to be, better be ready for disappointment.
I miss the old days,the old you, the old us.
I’m not gonna miss you, I’m just going to wait till you realize your mistake.
Beauty is not about having a pretty face.
It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul.
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is like hugging a cactus.
The tighter you hold on, the more its going to hurt.
Know more about Whatsapp Messenger:
- WhatsApp Messenger Apk Download.
- How to Hide Whatsapp Status ? Whatsapp Tricks.
- Raksha Bandhan in Hindi.
- How to get a verified green tick on your WhatsApp account number?
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- Happy Navratri wishes sms and status messages with wallpaper images.
So, now I am describing best Whatsapp status together, with all individuals. They can never experience any kind of difficulties in making statuses for whatsapp everyday.
Find more Fresh Status for Whatsapp on Next Page!!!
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