connect USB to your pc, open device manager and find COM port number, open putty, select serial, and change COM port number, “Baud rate” value may vary.

Default User name is ” manage”
Default Password is ” !manage ”
Since there are 2 controllers you have to select A or B then type command in the following syntax.
set network-parameters ip address netmask netmask gateway gateway controller a|b
I am changing “B” controller in the tutorial, so it will looks like this.
set network-parameters ip netmask gateway controller b
set network-parameters ip netmask gateway controller b
Warning: IP address has been detected as already in use on the local area network.
Do you still want to continue? (y/n) y
Success: Command completed successfully. – Request to set network parameters has been initiated. Please allow up to two minutes for the operation to complete. In the case of failure, previous settings will be restored. (2022-06-23 19:07:54)
show controllers
Controller ID: A
Serial Number: ACM266T13R
Hardware Version: 3.1
CPLD Version: 1.9
MAC Address: 00:C0:FF:65:D4:91
WWNN: 207000C0FF65A431
IP Address:
IP Subnet Mask:
IP Gateway:
Disks: 24
Virtual Pools: 0
Disk Groups: 0
System Cache Memory (MB): 8192
Host Ports: 4
Disk Channels: 2
Disk Bus Type: SAS
Status: Operational
Failed Over to This Controller: No
Fail Over Reason: Not applicable
Multi-core: Disabled
Health: OK
Health Reason: Health Recommendation:
Position: Top
Phy Isolation: Enabled
Controller Redundancy Mode: Active-Active ULP
Controller Redundancy Status: Redundant
Controller ID: B
Serial Number: ACM266T157
Hardware Version: 3.1
CPLD Version: 1.9
MAC Address: 00:C0:FF:65:D6:41
WWNN: 207000C0FF65A439
IP Address:
IP Subnet Mask:
IP Gateway:
Disks: 24
Virtual Pools: 0
Disk Groups: 0
System Cache Memory (MB): 8192
Host Ports: 4
Disk Channels: 2
Disk Bus Type: SAS Status: Operational
Failed Over to This Controller: No
Fail Over Reason: Not applicable
Multi-core: Disabled
Health: OK
Health Reason:
Health Recommendation:
Position: Bottom
Phy Isolation: Enabled
Controller Redundancy Mode: Active-Active ULP
Controller Redundancy Status: Redundant
Success: Command completed successfully. (2022-06-23 19:08:00)
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