Getting into a college in India is something very difficult when there are thousands of reservation quotas haunting you. And what’s more difficult is choosing the right one. There are around 10 new colleges that are built for the students every year, and most of the time these colleges end up graduating more number of students than what the country can employ.
CollegeDunia will help you find Colleges the way you like

However, today we can help you in the main part which is getting into the right college. Yes, let us introduce you to a simple yet efficient website called “Collegedunia”.
We’re going to explain the features of this website in 10 simple points, which will make you believe this website.
Collegedunia is a search portal for selecting the school college you deserve, and what’s perfect for you. The website starts with a search bar
- – where you can search colleges you’ve heard about or want to join in. All you have to do, is enter the name of the college you want to join in and the website will automatically hand you with a list of colleges with ratings enabling you to select the perfect college for you.
Also, the feature we just love about the website is that, it gives the exact fee asked by the college. Followed by that you’ll also get links to register at the college, read reviews by other people and apply to that college right away.
The website is ideal for parents who are worried about selecting the perfect college for their wards.
With the website you can also “ask a question to the councilor of the college” which impressed us … a lot!
You also get the list of the leading faculties working in the college, which augments the trust we have in the college.
You’ll be also search for new colleges based on your course. The courses are classified into:
- – Management
- – Engineering
- – Medical
- – Arts
- – Science
- – Commerce &
- – Law and more!
The website allows you to filter colleges based on the city you want to study in or the state you want to study in.
The website’s homepage also contains a column known as “Featured Colleges” which will feature colleges that just got hits and very good reviews by people. These colleges are those, you just can’t afford to miss.
Another exciting feature of the website is the News column. If you scroll down to the bottom of the website you’ll come across the news section. If you’re currently looking for the correct college for yourself you should definitely read this regularly. The section covers news from all colleges and results, exposing you to a whole window of opportunities.
The website also allows you to search for your exam results
- – if you are eagerly waiting for your exam results and you don’t know the website URL to check the result you can use this website to search for the exam results.
We hope you liked this in-feature review of Collegedunia, we also hope the website will help you select right college for yourself, my favourite section is the Engineering section. Let us know your reviews about the site and if you have any suggestions, comment them down below.
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