Hello Folks,….. Weekly wrap up of design and technology and Mind of Man-Woman, is a collective article for your week end reading and over view if there is some thing is not missing from us.
Weekly wrap up of design and technology is customary, here is the weekly wrap-up of all the posts we published on https://www.kadvacorp.com last week. If you were offline for some reason, it is a good way to catch with everything that happened in our online space.
Weekly Wrap Up of Design

Things about Double Height Living Spaces Your Architect Wouldn’t Tell You
Hello Folks,….. Things about Double Height Living Spaces Your Architect Wouldn’t Tell You is a subject of architectural design concept and how we benefited from double height living spaces in our house or bungalow. Here we see about Khosla Associates have designed the Bhuwalka House, a contemporary home for a young couple and their teenage […]

Why Do People Think Japanese Zen Garden Design Ideas are a Good Idea?
Hello Folks,…… Why Do People Think Japanese Zen Garden Design Ideas are a Good Idea? But before go to Japanese Zen Garden Design Ideas, we get some basic ideas how this entire zen garden idea evolve and now it became a part of our architectural design. Actually Zen gardens were created at temples of Zen […]

Vacation House Design Create Large Outdoor Spaces for Summer Time
Hello Folks,….. Vacation House Design is a fine basic design concept was to create large outdoor spaces facing the garden on all levels, since the vacation house design will be used mostly during summer time. The outdoor spaces were joined with the access paths to create two main ‘verandahs’: a partly covered one on the ground […]

How Innovative Convention Center Could Get You on omg! by Ar. Daniel Libeskind, Mons, Belgium
Hello Folks,……Studio Libeskind completed this innovative convention center in time for the advent of cultural and diplomatic activities in 2015, when this small medieval town metamorphosis into the European Capital of Culture. The City of Mons conceived of Congress Center as a new architectural landmark, a key element in a plan for economic revitalization, and as […]

An Expert Overview About Credibility of Builders and Developers
Hello Folk,…. Credibility of Builders and Developers is always a point of discussion among all the home buyers and also in general, also. But the importance of credibility of builders and developers are more and more come under scrutiny at a time of low market flow or some depression point of real estate market. I […]

What Architects should think about Futuristic Workplace Trends
Hello Folks,….. Architects should think about Futuristic Workplace Trends which shows innovation in how they develop new prototypes by employing technological ingenuity, maintaining much of the same construction while providing different experiences to suit the employees’ unique needs. Driven to change the negative associations of working in open-plan offices, ‘organic grid +’ by sean cassidy […]
Weekly Wrap Up of Technology

The Unconventional Guide to Best Affiliate Networks
Hello Folks,…… The Unconventional Guide to Best Affiliate Networks is one of the most popular ways to make money online. If it is done by proper strategy and dedication than it will generate passive and residual income for you. In fact most of the webmaster or bloggers make good income from affiliate programs on regular basis. […]

What Everyone Is Saying About Free Call With Hike Messenger over 2G, 3G, LTE and Wi-Fi
Hello Folks,…What Everyone Is Saying About Free Call With Hike Messenger is India-based instant messenger apps. Hike was planning to add a Free Call With Hike Messenger feature to its service. Now, the company has officially announced Free Call With Hike Messenger over 2G, 3G ,LTE and Wi-Fi across the globe in over many countries. It should […]

3 Insane (But True) Things About Longest Lasting Battery for Smartphones
Hello Folks,…. 5 Insane (But True) Things About Longest Lasting Battery for Smartphones is a collective guide for how to make your smart phone ready to use in longest hours without getting off. Because now a days many new apps and other social media interactions and habits are increased with efficiency of smartphone battery life […]
Weekly Wrap Up of Mind of Man-Woman

Top 21 Blog Post of Year 2014 from Kadvacorp’s Archives
Hello Folks,…. Top 21 Blog Post of Year 2014 from Kadvacorp’s Archives as we start another terrific year, we bring to you the Top 21 Blog Post of Year 2014 by Kadva Corp. These posts were the most read by our readers. Scroll down to begin for top 21 blog post of year 2014,…. Top […]

Why Funny One Liner Pick Up Lines are More Tempting than a Cinnabon
Hello Folks,….. Why Funny One Liner Pick Up Lines are More Tempting than a Cinnabon is about some test of fun and laugh in our daily life with the sense of humor. In real life some time this kind of funny one liner pick up lines give us some mental relaxation and feeling of peace. […]

Why Do People Think Japanese Zen Garden Design Ideas are a Good Idea?
Hello Folks,…… Why Do People Think Japanese Zen Garden Design Ideas are a Good Idea? But before go to Japanese Zen Garden Design Ideas, we get some basic ideas how this entire zen garden idea evolve and now it became a part of our architectural design. Actually Zen gardens were created at temples of Zen […]
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