
Lock your Data in Encrypted Password Protected Vaults with Secrecy

Lock your Data in Encrypted Password Protected Vaults with Secrecy is about when and where you want to protect your banking and other personal information online. Here are a solution for password protected vaults is Secrecy.

Android: We’ve talked before about how to protect your sensitive data. If you use an Android phone, Secrecy might be one of the better solutions. Not only does it hide files in password-protected vaults, it encrypts them when not in use.

Lock your Data in Encrypted Password Protected Vaults with Secrecy

Secrecy Locks Your Files In Encrypted Password-Protected Vaults 1

Unlike some other apps (like my usual go-to Vaulty), Secrecy allows you to create multiple password protected vault, each with their own password. Everything within them is encrypted without the password, meaning if someone finds your phone, they’re unlikely to poke around directly on the storage to find your pictures. You can even donate to hide the app from the launcher entirely.

Check this also:

Download Play Store: SECRECY

So, friends this is a little but very helpful information for protect or Lock your Data in Encrypted Password Protected Vaults with Secrecy android app. hope this information will useful for your online important data and info.

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