Many New Bloggers face Google AdSense Disapproved Insufficient Content issue sometimes. In most of the cases, especially for new blogs, Adsense will not approve instantly. After submitting Adsense application, Google rejects the Adsense approval for blog showing that Adsense disapproved due to insufficient content. Check about You Haven’t Seen This Google Adsense Tutorials List on Buzz feed.

Google AdSense Request Rejected for Insufficient Content
How To Fix AdSense Disapproved Insufficient Content Issue
Have your ever faced this problem? Sometimes, newbie bloggers may quit blogging due to the reason of Google Adsense disapproval. This is the importance of Google Adsense. So, In this article, I am going to explain “Google Adsense rejected due to insufficient content solutions.”
Reason For Disapproval Of Google Adsense Due To Insufficient Content:
This situation occurs when Google crawler unable to read your text on your site. Google uses crawlers to read the text of your website while reviewing your Adsense application.
If your site contains a lot of images, videos, Crawlers can’t crawl them. So, the chance of getting Adsense approval is very less. This is the main reason for Google Adsense disapproval. Google approves Adsense only for quality content blogs.
What To do when Adsense Disapproved Due To Insufficient Content?
Don’t Panic,….
Don’t Reapply Instantly After Adsense Disapproved Insufficient Content.
When you receive mail from Google that Adsense is rejecte due to insufficient content. Don’t reapply instantly. Most of them will become excited and reapply for Adsense again and again.
If you repeatedly do this process, Google puts your domain into blocklist. So that Adsense will not approve permanently. I will suggest you to apply Adsense after one month.
Provide Unique Content.
Write Around 2-3 Posts Daily.
Don’t use copied images in your blog. Google never approves Adsense for copied content.
Build Complete Website.
Built blog or website compliantly in compliance with adsense policy, before reapplying for Adsense. Provide clear navigation and add important pages. Google can’t approve Adsense for blogs which are under construction.
Know more about Google Adsense,
- Top 15 Google Adsense Alternatives for Tap best Earning Resources for Bloggers.
- Google Adsense Revenue Optimization and Increment Tips
- How to Check your Website and Blog is Banned By Google Adsense.
- How to Verify Address in Google AdSense Account.
- Google AdSense Revenue Increase and Optimization of Adwords Training.
- Google Adsense Plugin For WordPress With Placing AdSense Ads Easily.
Just follow all the tips mentioned above and then reapply for Adsense. By using the above steps, you can fix Adsense disapproved insufficient content problem.
will follow these suggestions..thanks