List Of Architecture Colleges In Karnataka, India – In India there are many architecture schools and colleges of Government, Private, Bachelor, Diploma, Naval, etc. Offering different degree programs depending upon the area of interest of the student. Majority of the architecture institutes are part of the engineering colleges in India. The architecture program is for a minimum period of five academic years. Candidates with an aggregate of more than 50% marks are eligible to apply. They also need to seat for the NATA (National Architectural Ability Test), eligibility test. Students have the opportunity to pursue post graduate program in architecture, after their completion of graduation.
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List Of Architecture Colleges In Karnataka, India

Top 10 Best Architecture Colleges In India
Here are a total list of Government, Private, Bachelor, Diploma, Naval, Architecture Colleges In Karnataka, India.
No. : 105
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA01
The Principal – School of Architecture University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi BANGALORE – 560 056 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 080-22961811, Mb.09945076829 Fax: 080-23211006
Affiliating University: Bangalore University, Bangalore (Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 1967
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017
No. : 106
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA02
The Director – Manipal School of Architecture & Planning Manipal University MANIPAL – 576 104 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 0820-2571060, 2571061, Extn. 24111 to 24117, Tel. (O): 0820-2924113, Fax: 0820-2571071
E-Mail:, E-Mail:,,
Affiliating University: Manipal University Manipal(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch | Executive Master of Architecture (Advanced Design) | M. Arch. (Urban Design & Development)
Year of commencement of course: 1978 | 2012 | 2014
Current Intake & Approval period: 160/2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018 | 20/2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018 | 20/2015-2016
No. : 106
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA02A
The Chairperson – School of Design and Architecture Manipal University-Dubai Campus G-04, Dubai International Academic City P.O.Box 345050, Dubai (UAE)
Tel: +9714 4290774, +97150 8995705, Fax: 009714-3694541
Affiliating University: Manipal University Manipal (Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2012
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2013-2014, 2014-2015 & 2015-2016
No. : 107
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA03
The Principal – School of Architecture BMS College of Engineering Post Box No.1908, Bull Temple Road BANGALORE-560 019 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 080-26622130-35, Extn.: 2058, Fax: 080-26614357
E-mail:, Web:
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch | M. Arch.(Habitat Design)
Year of commencement of course: 1980 | 2005
Current Intake & Approval period: 111/2015-2016 | 20/2015-2016
No. : 108
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA05
School of Architecture KLE Technological University Vidyanagar HUBLI-580 031 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 0836-2378123, 2378201, 2378101, 2374150, 2378201, Fax: 0836-2374985
E-Mail:, E-Mail:,
Affiliating University: KLE Technological University HUBLI
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 1983
Current Intake & Approval period: 60/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017
No. : 109
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA06
The Principal – School of Architecture Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering GULBARGA-585 102 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 08472-224262 Ext.435, Tel. (O): 08472-220742, Fax: 08472-255685
E-Mail: E-Mail: E-Mail:
Affiliating University: V. T .U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 1983
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017
No. : 110
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA07
The Principal – School of Architecture Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Shavige Malleswara Hills Kanakapura Road, Kumaraswamy Layout South-end of Jayanagar BANGALORE-560 078 (Karnataka)
Tel.(o): 080-42161734,26662226, 26660789, Fax: 080-26660789, 26635929
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 1991
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 111
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA08
The Principal – School of Architecture BLDE Association’s V.P. Dr. P. G. Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology Ashram Road,BIJAPUR-586 103 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 08352-261120, 251168, Fax: 08352-262945
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 1991
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 112
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA09
The Principal – Malik Sandal Institute of Art & Architecture 424, Nauraspur, Near New District Court Bagalkot Road, Hudco Cross BIJAPUR-586 101 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 08352-276158, 276930, 220717, Fax: 0832-277353/278635
E-Mail:, E-Mail:
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 1991
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018
No. : 113
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA11
The Principal – School of Architecture MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology Vidya Soudha, M.S.R. Nagar, M.S.R.I.T. Post BANGALORE-560 054 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 080-23606934 & 36, 23600822, Fax: 080-23603124
E-Mail:,, Web:
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch | M. Arch.(Landscape Architecture)
Year of commencement of course: 1992 | 2011
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017 | 20/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017
No. : 114
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA12
The Director – R.V. College of Architecture (RVCA) CA-1, Banashankari 6th Stage 4th Block, Nr.Chikagowdanapalya Village BANGALORE-560 062 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 080-67178058 & 59, Mb.09341225316, Fax: 080-67178190
E-Mail:, E-Mail: Web:
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch | M. Arch. (Urban Design)
Year of commencement of course: 1992 | 2006
Current Intake & Approval period: 120/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017 | 20/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017
No. : 115
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA13
The Director – School of Architecture Siddaganga Institute of Technology Campus B.H.Road, TUMKUR – 572103 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 0816-2214000, 2282990-93, 2282695, 2214055, 2092000 (Exchange) Extn.2055, Fax: 0816-2282994
E-Mail:, E-Mail:, Web:
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 1992
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017
No. : 116
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA14
The Principal – School of Architecture Karnataka Law Society’s Gogte Institute of Technology ”Jnana Ganga” Udyambag, BELGAUM-590 008 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 0831-2498500, 5711632, 2441104, 405500, 2498509, Fax: 0831-2441909
E-Mail:, E-Mail:, E-Mail:,
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 1998
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 & 2016-2017
No. : 117
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA15
The Director – The University School of Design University of Mysore, 2nd Floor, Senate Bhavan, Manasagangotri P.O. MYSORE-570 006 (Karnataka)
Tel. (O): 0821-2414577, 2414515, 2419339, Fax: 0821-2414515
E-Mail:, E-Mail:, Web:,
Affiliating University: University of Mysore, Mysore (Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2002
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 118
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA16
The Director – Acharya’s NRV School of Architecture Soldevanahalli, Hesaraghatta Main Road Chikkabanavara Post Bangalore-560 090 (Karnataka)
Tel: 080-28396011, 23723466, 28376431, Fax: 080-2370 0242
E-Mail:, Web:,
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2009
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 119
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA17
The Director – BMS School of Architecture Post Box No.6448, BMSIT Campus Doddaballapur Main Road Avalahalli, Yelahanka Bangalore-560 064 (Karnataka)
Tel: 080-28463208, Mb.08867273807(Sapna), Fax:080-28463208
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2010
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 120
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA18
The Principal – Bharath Seva Dal’s Dr.M.C.Modi Memorial Aakar Academy of Architecture No.112/113, Thanisandra Main Road R.K.Hegde Nagar Bangalore-560 045 (Karnataka)
Tel: 080-68888809, 09008013204
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2011
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 121
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA19
The Principal – The Oxford School of Architecture The Oxford College of Engineering Hosur Road, Bommanahalli Bangalore-560068 (Karnataka)
Tel: 080-30219601-602/604, Fax: 080-25730551
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2012
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018
No. : 122
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA20
The Director/HOD – Raja Rajeswari School of Architecture No.14, Ramohalli Cross Kumbalgodu, Mysore Road Bangalore-560074 (Karnataka)
Tel: 080-28437124, Fax: 080-28437373
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2012
Current Intake & Approval period: Course Not Started
No. : 123
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA21
The Principal – School of Architecture Srinivas Institute of Technology Srinivas Campus, Valachil, Farangipete Post Managalore-574143 (Karanataka)
Tel: 0824-2274730, 2274732, Fax: 0824-2274731
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2012
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 124
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA22
The Dean – School of Architecture Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Kanakpura Road, Udaypura, Opp. to Art of Living International Centre, Bangalore-560082 (Karnataka)
Tel: 080-26662226, 26661104, 26660789, Fax: 080-26635929
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2012
Current Intake & Approval period: 60/2015-2016
No. : 125
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA23
The Director – Sharada School of Architecture # 14, Sharada Hills, Hasaraghatta Road Near M.S.Palya Circle, Chikkabettahalli, Vidyaranyapura Post Bangalore-560 097 (Karnataka)
Tel: 080-22957354,22957350, Fax: 22957354
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2013
Current Intake & Approval period: Closed down from academic session 2014-2015.
No. : 126
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA24
The Dean – SJB School of Architecture & Planning #67 BGS Health & Education City Uttarahalli Road, Kengeri Bangalore-560 060, Karnataka
Tel: 080-64500177, Fax: 28612199
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2013
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018
No. : 127
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA25
The Director – IMPACT School of Architecture Impact Campus, Sahakaranagar Bangalore-560 092, Karnataka
Tel: 080-22720805, 23334101,Fax:23332134
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2013
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 128
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA26
The Principal – Best School of Architecture Urdigere Road, Belagumba Tumkur-572 104, Karnataka
Tel: 0816-2018055, 09686757422, Mb.09886376912
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2014
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 129
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA27
The Principal – Gopalan School of Architecture and Planning, 181/1, 181/1(Part) of Hoodi Village, K.R.Puram, Whitefield Bangalore-560 048, Karnataka
Tel: 080-22277121, 22297863/864, Fax: 080-22212703
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2014
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 130
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA28
The Principal – R.R.School of Architecture Raja Reddy Layout, Nr.Chikkabanavara Railway Station, Chikkabanavara Bangalore-560 090
Tel/fax: 080-28391553, 4,
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2014
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 131
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA29
The Director – Mysore School of Architecture CA-01, University Layout Lingabudi, Near Dattagalli Ring road Mysore-570 008, Karnataka
Tel: 0821-3205881, 09845129500, 09845599788
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2014
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 132
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA30
The Dean – BGS School of Architecture and Planning BGS International Residential School Campus
Nityananda Nagar, K.Gollahalli Post Bengaluru South Bengaluru-560 074, Karnataka
Tel: 080-28437582, Fax: 080-28437657
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2015
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 133
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA31
The Dean – Bearys Enviro-Architecture Design School BIT Knowledge Campus Lands End, Boliyar Mangalore-574 153, Karnataka
Tel: 080-22270747, Fax: 080-2227434
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2015
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 134
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA32
The Dean – Nitte Institute of Architecture Nitte Campus, Kodakkal NH75, Kannur Mangalore-575 007, Karnataka
Tel: 0824-2275861, Fax: 2275863
Affiliating University: Nitte University Mangalore, Karnataka
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2015
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 135
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA33
The Principal – K.S.School of Architecture #15, Mallasandra Off.Kanakapura Road Bangaluru-560 062, Karnataka
Tel: 080-28425012, Fax: 080-28425164
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2015
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 136
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA34
The Director – Centre For Architecture 1011, CH20, Krishnaraja Boulevard Chamaraja Mohalla Mysuru-570 005, Karnataka
Tel: 0821-2334999
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2015
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 137
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA35
The Principal – Aditya Academy of Architecture & Design Survey No.2/1 & 2/2, Kamakshipura Village Hesaraghatta Hobli, Bangalore North Taluk Bangalore-560 064, Karnataka
Tel: 09620218101,09844132826, Fax:080-28571294
Affiliating University: V. T. U., Belgaum(Karnataka)
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2015
Current Intake & Approval period: 80/2015-2016
No. : 138
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA36
The Principal – School of Architecture, Reva University, Rukmini Knowledge Park, Kattigenahalli, Yelahanka, Bangalore – 560 064,
Tel: +918066226622,
Affiliating University: Reva University, Bangalore
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2015
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
No. : 139
Name & Address with Inst. Code : KA37
The Director – School of Architecture CMR University, # 132, AECS Layout ITPL Main Road, Kundalahalli Bangalore-560 037, Karnataka,
Tel: 080-28524466/77, Fax: 080-28524630,
Affiliating University: CMR University
Name of the Course: B. Arch
Year of commencement of course: 2015
Current Intake & Approval period: 40/2015-2016
This List is On Ref. Of – COA
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- List Of Architecture Colleges In Karnataka, India
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