What is Affordable Housing? I would like to put some healthy discussion points with its pro and cos about Affordable Housing – Why People can’t buy own Home in Urban Areas??? Recently, I come to touch with discussion with my co worker or you can say a friend of mine who is also belong to the field of architecture and real estate. We just discussed about what is current scenario in real estate of metro city like Mumbai, Chennai, etc. At this point I just put one simple question in front of him “Affordable Housing – Why People can’t buy own Home in Urban Areas???” Here, we just sorted out some basic reasons of that. Which affecting most off all common man or you can say middle and lower middle income group people.
- Cost of Property is came first.
- Policies
- Affordability of product
- Actual requirements
- Centralized employments
- Political influences
- Market morphing
- Unwanted developments
- Poor infrastructure
- Accessibility and transportation
Affordable Housing

So, friends here is this basic point of discussion what we derived in our discussion, which we thought is mainly affecting for not getting enough livable home for common people in urban developed areas after the so much efforts of our government agencies and governmental housing proposals.
What is affordable housing projects?
Now we go through above mention points one by one what we conclude for affordable housing,
Cost of Property
Cost of property is come first because what middle class and lower middle class people afford for their home is no one thinks about it. We are just talks and try to make home affordable but here not but define the limits of affordability.
Recently I just see one ad in well known news paper that expressed only 1cr. Home and this fellow advertise this property in the category of affordability,… in that case what do you think about affordability of common people.
So, Government have to take some action in this scenario and control the prices of home and entire real estate market in such a way that every body should afford a one single home.
Suggestion : Regulate the buying property for those who actually need a shelter of you can say own home. Don’t put investors money just for getting their appreciation.

Government policies
Government makes their development policies in such a way that their main beneficiary is not only builders and developers but somehow common people get their home.
I like some development rules that actually control the overall density and total no. of housing developments but at the same time the area or size or segments of those dwelling also make in that way which actually middle and lower middle class people really afford it.
Some time government agencies make their urban development rules and regulations in such a way to make developers and builders are more relaxed and ultimately their drawback of increase in price of home and change the definition of affordability.

Affordability of Product:
Actually affordability of housing dwellings are affected by many behind the scenes factors. We just see some of their highlights like, when any project came under development some main factors are in considerations,
- Land Cost
- Material Cost and Availability
- Project Executions Time Span
- Involved Agencies
- Legal Expenditures
- Management Cost
This is all factors which necessary to influenced any housing project and here any builders or developers not sell their products without their own profits. So Govt. Have to take some consideration and regulate above mention facts to make every products make affordable.
Actual Requirements of Development
Some time in real development requirements is different and people are develop land for some different kind of users. At this point many time we see in and around us that non required or some undesired developments we see. This is only happens just because of regulatory authority not take any actions and considered this kind of nuisance lightly.
If there has to be proper planning and infra for each and every urban development with their future planning and their expanses with pro and cos need. Because of not understanding of actual need of people housing developer just construct their own dreams not benefited common people.
Transportation and accessibility
This factor many time affecting the overall cost of housing or area developments in terms of basic necessity. Generally without proper approach and transportation no area developed and it this amenity is poor their value not grow in term or affordability.
If you travel 3 to 4 hours daily basis between your home to workplace just because of you not get a house in near by your work place. At this point you have to think about where we headed in future and where our city planning goes.
This is just a some highlighting discussion about affordability and how its important in out urban poor common man. I hope this entire point of discussion may some body’s eye opener and all our country’s middle class and lower middle class people get their home.
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Here it you have to say some thing about this point of discussion, you are most welcome to my time line and if you feel this collective threads of thinking is useful, share with our youth. Because worlds largest democracy really need some solid mutual and real developments in all over.
If our brothers and sister get their dream home with this efforts, I feel really……
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